Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Poor Angeline got Punk'd !

Ack ham. Wahahahaha!!! Ok.. This was the plans of the MASTER MIND, Kang Yong Hui A.K.A Riccky ! He started the prank call and this was roughly what happened !.. Yong hui sms Angel that 'somebody' had beaten me up. Angel replied "har!? Why PaPa got hit? "She calls me PaPa for no reason and my Girlfriend Whom she has never seen before, MaMa. LOL ! Then she called Yong Hui. He said that i stared at that somebody so he called his friends and surrounded me and started hitting me. Angel was like so sad.. Wow.. Soft Hearted.. So Ke Lian.. Then after a while, Yong Hui asked me to scream a few times. When i screamed, it was very real! Lol I really sounded as if i had been badly injured.. Bla Bla Bla. This Conversation went on and on. After a while, Angeline came to Yong Hui's house, where we were both at. I was hidding in his sister's room. Bla bla bla. Angle was so sad that she went out and wanted to find me. Yong Hui came to the room and told me to show myself to Angel that I wasn't hurt. So I did went out... What Happened next, she was ermm.. CRYING ! But also smiling at the same time ! LOL..She was like " PaPa why you bluff your nu-er.. " Lol.. I couldn't say anything because it was Yong Hui's Plan.. He said that he wanted to test how Strong her Friendship was for me.. And that she had to CRY, showing that her love for me as a FRIEND is Strong ! Haha ! Im so very touched! Thanks ! =) Good Night guys !

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